Reading; ‘Olive’ : “Make his praise glorious. These people have I formed for myself. They shall show forth my praise. I will cleanse them from all their iniquity where with they have sinned against me and I will pardon all their iniquities where by they have transgressed against me. And it shall be to me a name of joy, praise and honour before all the nations of the earth. By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to his name. I will praise thee oh Lord my God., with all my heart. And I will glorify thy name forever more. For great is thy mercy toward me. Thy delivered my soul from the lowest hell. Who is like unto thee oh Lord, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders. I will praise the name of God with a song and will magnify his Holy name with thanksgiving. They sing the song of Moses the servant and the song of the land, saying great and marvellous are thy works Lord God oh mighty.”
- Our Father God in heaven, thank you for your word this morning which gives us so much reassurance.
- Thank you for all the blessings which we have the past, and throughout the preceding night. Thank you for a peaceful night sleep and for the knowledge that we are safe and secure in our homes and not under threat of violence.
- Oh Lord, we thank you so much for these blessings which so many are denied. And Lord, we thank you for the companionship of our Christian brothers and sisters. We thank you for the companionship and love of our close friends and relatives. We thank you Lord that you take care of them especially those who have special needs,
- Please remember those among us those who are in trouble in various ways, we pray that they have a wonderful Christmas and those on treatments will continue to be successful so they can lead as normal a life as possible. For all who are suffering from mental, physical, emotional, spiritual distress at this time Lord, we ask your special closeness, because there are so many problems people have to face up to and the uncertainty of life is something most people have difficulty to cope with.
- We ask your blessings on all your children wherever they are, and ask that your Holy Spirit will be very active in seeking out those who need you and have not heard or experienced your love, goodness and mercy.
- We ask that those who have charge of the nations of the world, will understand the duties to their fellow men and understand whether they are Christian or belong to another religion: to know love and how to look after each other. That is the only way that this world can cope. For those in our own country and worldwide who are teaching your word, and taking it to people who do not yet have access to it, and those who have access and have let it slide, oh Lord, help to reawaken the interest in their hearts and minds that they will turn to you and ask for your forgiveness and the help of your Holy Spirit in getting back to to their feet. Let them experience you again, knowing that you will guide them, and look after them.
- For those in the war torn lands, there is little that one can ask except that grant them mercy. The best help we have been giving them is in defending themselves, weapons which cause more distress in every way. Oh Lord it is such a tangled world and we can only ask for your help in getting it sorted. We pray for peace for all, cease the suffering and misery that war causes.
- We ask your blessing to all those in our country and other Christian lands, those who are taking your word, comfort and love; to have the right words to say. Let your will be done and your name glorified.
- For all those Lord who are working so hard in so many ways to help their fellow men, bless and give them the comfort of knowing that you are happy with them.
- For all the prayers we ask and all the people we have not mentioned specifically, Oh lord you know the needs of everyone, what each and everyone needs.
- Thank you for your help,. love, mercy and most of all for the gift of Jesus Christ and the Holy spirit, Amen